Side by side by SONDHEIM
Matthew Pike's mellifluous vocal is outstanding, each note is considered and shaped to show off his range and his beautiful rendition of 'I Remember' is a touching and lyrical highlight. At the end of "Marry Me a Little" as he sang 'I'm ready!' it was with such genuine honesty, I completely believed he meant it.
Lindsey Rusling Feb 27 2019
Matthew Pike is consistently excellent throughout his range, and holds us in the palm of his hand several times, most notably in the quiet reflection of ‘I Remember’ and with his beautifully soft high notes at the end of ‘Anyone Can Whistle’. He is particularly strong in ‘Marry Me A Little’, and also has some charmingly nimble balletic moments.
Reviewed by Pepe Becker assisted by Jo Hodgson, 24 Feb 2019
Every moment Pike is on stage seems effortless. He glides through the musical with ease and consistency. His voice is pure and unforced, acting as an anchor to O’Brien and Lineham’s. It reaches their heights when he sings in falsetto for a fleeting moment that catches my breath in my chest.
Reviewed by Madelaine Empson
Matthew Pike is masterful in this role. Part flamboyant ringmaster and part political dissident, he adds flair to his storytelling while also highlighting the ominous undertones to Peronist politics-
Kim Choe (Newshub) 29 May
Matthew Pike is outstanding. He brings a balance of cynicism and admiration to the role of Che that helps us to see Eva's journey from different perspectives. Although the show as a whole tends to cultivate a neutrality about Eva and her political influence in particular, Pike as Che can afford to be subversive. He draws our attention to the ambiguities in Eva's life while bringing attack and vigour to each song. He is a lithe and confident dancer, especially good in the tango sequence with Eva, and his singing is superb.
Leigh Sykes (theatreview), 29 May 2016
Narrator steals the show from Eva in Evita .... All this is told through a narrator, Che Guevara (Matthew Pike), and a large chorus of citizens and military personnel. And it is the exceptional performance from Pike, weaving his way about the stage, always engaging the audience with great strength and clarity in his singing and the chorus, that holds the show together.
EWEN COLEMAN (Stuff/Dompost) November 9 2015
Matt Pike as Sam and Juliet Reynolds Midgley as Donna deliver the stand out performances of the night – Abba is in safe hands here. Their duet of ‘S.O.S' is one of the most musically satisfying moments of the night.
Naomi van den Broek (Theatreview), 1 Apr 2016
Matt Pike as one of Donna's former lovers, Sam, is also impressive, particularly in his second act rendition of Knowing Me, Knowing You.
Charlie Gates(Chch Press)
"...From the first time Pike steps centre stage and unleashes a voice which can only be described as freaking glorious, he steals the show." "Matt Pike BLEW. OUR. MINDS" "I disturbed many people around me after his first burst of song by loudly proclaiming "'Well that was awesome'" We Built This City - July 2014
"Matt Pike's Narrator - the ever-present, black-clad harbinger stalking the cast from the shadows - scorching the stage with blistering performances" Cityscape 30 June 2014